Eggs on the table




Boiled Eggs

Approximate cooking times for eggs lowered into boiling water. Cooking times vary depending on the size of the egg.
• Runny yolk 3-5 minutes
• Softly set 6-7 minutes
• Hard-boiled 9 -10 minutes
Tip: Serve with caviar, anchovies, mayonnaise, cress, dill or chives.


Serves 1
• 2 eggs
• 2 tbsp. of water, milk or cream
• Salt, pepper
• Butter for frying

Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl. Add water and beat lightly until fully combined. Add salt and pepper. Pour the egg mix into a warm non-stick frying pan with melted butter. Stir with a wooden fork for an even finish. Add any toppings or fillings and serve as soon as the omelette has firmed up. For best result make one omelette at a time.


Scrambled Eggs

Serves 1
• 2 eggs
• 2 tbsp. of milk or cream
• 1 tsp. of butter

Mix into a frying pan or pot with a bit of butter. Slowly heat the pan while gently stirring, until the eggs begin to firm up but are still creamy.

Poached Eggs

Boil water with a pinch of salt and vinegar. Break the egg into a cup and carefully pour it into the boiling water.


Egg Facts

Is the egg hard to peel?

If the egg is hard to peel it means that it is very fresh. Just after you have boiled the egg, put it in cold water. This will make it easier to peel.

Is the egg fresh?

Put the egg in a glass of water. If the egg is fresh it will lay on its side at the bottom of the glass. An egg that is 1 week old will turn half way and if it is 3 weeks old the egg stands upright on the bottom. If the egg floats to the top it is too old to eat.

Has the egg been boiled?

Spin the egg on a flat surface. A raw egg will spin slowly and unevenly while a cooked egg will spin fast and evenly.

Health and Nutrition

Eggs contain everything you need except for vitamin C. With just one egg and a glass of orange juice you will get the majority of your daily nutritional needs.

Eggs are pure protein and are often used as a measurement for the protein contents in other foods. Eggs also contain vitamins such as A, D, E and K as well as various B vitamins and vital minerals.

- Vitamin A is vital for vision, cell growth and helps the body fight off infections and disease.
- Vitamin B2 keeps your skin fresh and boosts your immune system
- Vitamin D and calcium keep bones and teeth healthy
- Vitamin E is an antioxidant that boosts the immune system and helps prevent heart disease
- Protein is made up of amino acids. In eggs, the composition of amino acids is perfect for human cell development.
- Iron is an essential mineral as it helps carry oxygen around the body, which prevents cell damage and the signs of aging. It can also prevent heart disease and cancer.
- Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that defends against free radicals. It helps carry oxygen to the cells and is vital for a healthy nervous system, metabolism and immune system.
- Zinc plays an important roll for a number of different functions in the human body, for example cell growth and a healthy immune system.

Eggs contain cholesterol. There have been discussions on whether or not the cholesterol found in eggs is harmful, but we now know that is not the case.

To make it simple:
The cells in the body require a certain amount of cholesterol and a healthy body will naturally regulate these levels. Bad cholesterol (found in saturated fats, such as potato chips) can clog your arteries while good cholesterol (found in mono-saturated fats such as eggs) clears them. An egg a day keeps the doctor away!

Egg Measurements

XL Extra Large = over 73 g
L Large = 63-73 g
M medium = 53-63 g
S small = up to 53 g / less than 53 g